Mini 4″ Siphon
Medium 4″ Siphon
Medium 6″ Siphon
Macro 10″ Siphon
Installation drill hole7/8 inch hole7/8 inch hole7/8 inch hole1 inch hole
UsageIndoor OnlyIndoor/OutdoorIndoor/OutdoorIndoor/Outdoor
Tested working conditions
Grow bed size11″x7.5″x10″11″x7.5″x10″11″x7.5″x10″11″x15″x10″
Inches of clay pellets4″4″6″10″
Pump80 GPH, 4W
with 1/4″ tube
Two 80 GPH, 4W
with 1/4″ tube
Two 80 GPH, 4W
with 1/4″ tube
600 GPH
with 1/2″ inch tube
Expected working conditions
Min media height4 inches4 inches6 inches10 inches
Min water rise rate in grow bed1 inch / 1 min 46 secs1 inch / 1 min 53 secs1 inch / 1 min 53 secs1 inch / 30 secs
Max pump flow rate into grow bed20 GPH50 GPH50 GPH100 GPH

Find which bell siphon is right for your aquaponics system. Please review the expected working conditions to ensure that you pick the right siphon.